:Base ShellWizard.hlp :Title ShellWizard Help 1 ShellWizard General help 2 What is ShellWizard and what does it do?=whatis 2 About ShellWizard=about 2 Shareware=shareware 2 ShellWizard FAQ=faq 1 Reference 2 Desktop tab=desktop 2 General Windows 95 UI Settings tab=generalui 2 Windows Registration Data & Document Templates=regdata 2 Special Tab=special 2 Boot Tab=boot 2 Explorer Settings Tab=explr_settings 2 MRU Tab=mru 2 Remove Programs Tab=remove 2 Documents Tab=documents 2 File Types Tab=filetypes 2 Other Applications Tab=other 2 Object Tab (Sim Tweak UI)=obj 1 ShellWizard Macro Language (Plugins) 2 Introduction=lang_intro 2 Plugin programmers, read this!=programmers_read_this 2 Language Reference 3 Headers needed in all plugins=lang_header 3 File Functions=program_file_fn 3 Writing to the Registry=lang_writetoreg 3 Writing to INI-files=prog_ini 3 Writing to Win.ini=prog_winini 3 Executing Programs=prog_exec 3 Displaying Messages=prog_disp 2 Examples 3 Small backup utility=lang_example_backup 3 Clear Excel 7.0 MRU=lang_examples_clearexcel